Nowadays, there are obviously more hidden, secret religious groups as most of us thought. This may be o.k. for people who think they get help (physical and mental) out of this and that gives them hope not to be alone it this cold world - but - strange and bad enough - most of the time there's only one person who makes profit out of it. (Financially or bodily) The so called leader of such a group. And many, lonesome and dissapointed from life, people follow those leaders with totally giving up their own personalities. This song is written from a (possible) leaders point of view, his way to find the weak points of his followers and use this for his own advantage and profit. In the lyrical story, some groups are operating together like indepent, but very close companionships. The so called "Shadowlands"!In a land where no love can be born
Self destruction everywhere
A restless soul on it's search for an answer
Sees through this masquerade of dispair
In a time where no love can be born
Desperation frozen eyes
A restless soul so alone no direction
Suffering as they follow the blind
This is a new dawn rising
Over this Shadowland
Tearing you from the world that you used to know
In a land where no love can be born
Isolation is the price
And the horror of this cold souless place here
Put everlasting stains on your life
In a time where no love can be born
Another crisis yet to come
A senseless life breeds a senseless death
Wondering what kind of pain will come next
Tired of being alive losing every time
Suffering side by side shadows of mankind
copyright 2007